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SWISS GLIDER 12, Didier Favre

When announcing the "March or fly" contest, but also on other occasions, I always thought and stated that the first paraglide had been created by Laurent de Kalbermatten. To my great surprise Andrea Kuhn from Engadin came along, not only to participate in the contest, but also to present to
the museum the first paraglide in the world: a Skywing made in 1973
(exactly: 1973)!

When inspecting it we actually realized that it was made of spinnaker fabric (the NASA Bainbridge type) and that its shape resembled today's paraglides. Andrea showed up in the company of his "master" and friend Dieter Strasilla whose first high altitude paraglide flights take us back to the beginning of the 1970s. Unbelievable, but true! So THEY are the creators of the paraglide, along with Dieter's brother Udo.

Accordingly, Laurent de Kalbermatten is only the "industrial father" of the paraglide. Thanks to the museum the facts gradually come into the open. It also makes sure the material is pulled from oblivion and saved from decay. The museum would like to give warm thank you to Andrea and Dieter for this wonderful present.

Andrea Kuhn

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SWISS GLIDER 12, Didier Favre

Dans l'annonce de la competition "Marche ou vole" et a d'autres occasions, j'ai toujours cru et pretendu que le premier parapente etait l'ceuvre de Laurent de Kalbermatten. A ma grande stupefaction, Andrea Kuhn est venu de sae profonde Engadine pour participer a la competition "Marche ou vole" et aussi pour remettre au Musee le premier parapente du monde: une "Skywing de 1973 (vous avez bien lu 1973).

Verification faite, Il s'agit bien d'un tissu spinnaker (un bainbridge obtenu de la NASA), de forme identique aux parapentes actuels. Andrea etait accompagne de son maitre et ami Dieter Strasila dont les premiers grands vols en parapente datent du debut des annees septante. Incroyable mais vrai! Les peres du parapente, ce serait eux avec le frere de Dieter, Udo. Laurent de Kalbermatten ne serait plus que le pere du parapente industriel. Grace au Musee, la realite des faits apparait peu a peu. Et, surtout, le materiel est sauve de l'oubli, de la deterioration ou de la perte. Un grand merci de la part du Musee a Andrea et Dieter pour ce merveilleux cadeau.

Didier Favre Presenting the first 9-cell paraglide to the Swiss Museum

Dieter Strasilla's former paraglide has aroused the interest of many pilots. The once thoroughly coated spinnaker fabric has been strained to an extent that it is completely soft today.

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